Friday, June 3, 2011

First post, yay!

Hello nobody-reading-this-blog,

So.. Deena and I have decided to create a blog to share our work (more like force us to make work so we can post it) and pretty much everything that inspires us as graphic designers. We've just completed our foundations year, so this will pretty much be a documentation of what happens next as a MUM and VIS student.

*fancy old music*
Driven by her inability to balance, Deena strives to compensate in other ways. She draws, paints, and photographs to try to learn as much as possible. Ultimately, she aspires to be a Renaissance woman (multimedia designer). Who can also bake amazing cakes, brownies, cupcakes, yummy stuff, and more yummy stuff.

I, Na ee ma, spent four year studying Mass Communications and realized, No really WTF am I doing here? (Cuz I wanted to switch before but didn't) Advertising wasnt the thing for me... and well I hated a few of my professors so that just put me off. Way, way off. So the semester I was supposed to graduate happily ever after I decided to stay and pursue my "dream" with high potential. Like I "always" say, I'd rather regret something I've done than something I haven't. 
Now I can visually mass communicate...

We hope that through this blog we can also connect with others so we can compare and contrast, share and learn and all that stuff. We also hope that we get to use up our abundance of potential and be able to balance... eventually. Oh and because Deena doesnt want to have her facebook friends drown in a Time Lapse flood. :)

I sound so lame... so thank you and good bye.


Deenaaa said...

I can see that this blog has potential

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