I feel really sorry for those who didn't make it into Vis Com, Multimedia, Interior design and Architecture. I know a lot of the students worked really hard, put up with the program for the whole year and still didn't get into Second year. I hope that they find their way into something else that they enjoy, or maybe that they would repeat the courses for their desired majors if they really wanted to. Good luck to them.
And for those that were accepted, congratulations and I wish you the best of luck too.
And to you cheaters out there who got accepted - you guys don't deserve it. It's really sick that your games were even tolerated.
Naima - we can finally write our names all over the desks we chose for Second year studio.
P.S. Also, can I mention that us getting into Second year proves that we're getting better at the whole 'potential' and 'balance' thing?! At least I hope that that's what it means.
gz! I'm writing it all over the screen.
Let's make the most of this because who knows what the future will bring.
Damnit now I miss playing WoW.
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